Conservative Tea Party Gone Too Far: Applause for Return of “Literacy Tests”

9 02 2010

Rep. Tom Tancredo speaks in front of the Tea Party Convention in support of returning to the Literacy Tests at Gaylord Opryland Hotel.

The Tea Party gone too far? Do Republicans supporting the Tea Party (Yep, like Sarah Palin) support the return of Literacy Tests that were used in the south to prevent African-Americans from voting? That the Voting Rights Act condemned? That goes against our Constitution?

Perhaps they should get their brains out of the Declaration of Independence and into our real founding document.

When a Republican was asked for a response in this question:

What do you think the message is when you’re saying Obama voters cannot pass a basic, civics literacy test?

He gave this response:

Well,… You know…. Tom Tancredo gave a fantastic speech last night. I think hes an amazing politician.

Sarah Palin haz all the answers on her palm.

9 02 2010

I thought she was a little old to be cheating by writing notes on her hand. Sheesh, “Energy, Budget cuts (with “budget” crossed out), Tax, Lift American Spirits.” Cant any well spoken politician remember that off their own memory?

This was all, of course, after she bashed Obama for using a teleprompter.